Thursday, May 13, 2010

Background Music Scene

While Odysseus is on Ithica he is disguesed as a begger and he kind of creeps and sneaks all throughout Ithica. Well he is going around getting the gyst of what is going on throughout the city. He learns about how the suitors are eating him out of house and home. Also he learns how his people treat the weak and wery.

I like this scene because it was one my most favorite of scenes to develop background music for. I really like how Oddysues kept his cool until the right moment in time. I don't know really if I can relate to this scene but I do know that I can be inspired sort of by this scene. When Odysseus and Thelmeacus both battled through the suitors to reclaim back his house, his wife, and his city that was inspiring.

For the scene that I would choose the background music to have in, would have to be while Odysseus is in Ithica and is sneaking around all of Ithica as a begger. The song would be the mission impossible theme music. As he creeps all around all of Ithica spying on his wife and the suitors and making his plot to take back his kingdom and home. But when he kills all the suitors the song would end.

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